MAC Outdoors

Background checks, Magazine restrictions, Gun bans – Where is EDUCATION?

Mia Anstine Prois Turas long sleeveIf you haven’t heard, Colorado has joined the ranks of states to pass and promote anti-gun legislation. As my representatives have told me “It’s for the good of the people.”

Is it? Really?

I must say that I don’t understand a lot of things in this matter. I have been writing to the representatives and asking them multiple questions of which NONE have been answered. I simply receive a form letter that says “for the good of our citizens”. I am a firearms instructor so I do know how to handle a handgun, rifle or shotgun. What if I wasn’t?


The questions are endless. WHY? Why this increase in background checks, the reduction in magazine capacity BUT NO REQUIREMENT TO KNOW WHAT THE HECK YOU ARE DOING WITH THE FIREARM??????

If it’s for the good of the people why do they not have to know what they are doing? WHY?

Where is mandatory education in all of this?

Mia Anstine is an outdoor writer, licensed outfitter, hunting guide, life coach, keynote speaker, and range safety officer, firearms instructor, and archery instructor. She is the founder of MAC Outdoors and Host of the MAC Outdoors Podcast.

Mia Anstine strives to encourage others to get outside, hunt, fish, shoot, and survive life with others in a positive way.

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Want to write to me?
Mia Anstine
MAC Outdoors LLC
PO Box 31
Ignacio, CO 81137-0031

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