MAC Outdoors

Country Life – #TbT A Moment with a Bucking Horse | Mia’s Motivations

I have so many stories and information to share!  I was with friends re-living old adventures, and looking forward to upcoming ones when it was suggested I start sharing them with the world. Here I am at

It’s springtime in the Rocky Mountains, and I am looking forward to among so many things, turkey hunting!  The thought of the upcoming hunts brought thoughts of past hunts flowing in.  That is when my mind went up and running!!!

One spring, we were off on a search for turkeys for my 10-year-old daughter and her friend. It is always a joy to call in birds for the kids.  Our first morning out and we were all giddy and excited. Among the crowd guiding these two little huntress’ were me, Hank, and the little friend’s dad.

We loaded horses before sunrise and headed to a spot where we’d had luck at the prior year. When we arrived and unloaded, the horses were just as excited as we all were. We mounted our steeds and headed up the trail. I was following up the rear on my dear, favorite horse, Cowboy (aka, Mr. Man).

Now Cowboy, he is full of spunk and energy. He’s so sure footed and athletic, I never have to fear. He’ll take me to the top of an 11,000′ mountain without a complaint, and he’ll ride all day never slowing. He loves the thrill of the hunt just as much as I do. He and I have many a good time, and I love and trust him because he is an excellent mountain horse who always takes care of me.

This fine, sunshiny spring morning, Cowboy decided I wasn’t heading up the trail fast enough for him. He thought we needed to move along a little quicker. Me being the “boss” in this here situation, I had to stay in control. I held him back and made him walk. He began fighting me and next thing you know, he broke out into an all-out run!

WHOA!!! With that burst of energy on the run, Cowboy began to feel even more froggy!

We went off with a jump and then a kick! Then a full out buck! I got my feet on the first jump. On the kick, I flew up and then remembered how to ride. The third jump we landed HARD, he aligned my back from the seat of my pants all the way past my noggin’! Finally on the fourth I sat down in my saddle and yanked him down. We landed and stopped in a spin. Going from 100 miles per hour to zero in 1 second flat. He snorted and was a little surprised I remained mounted!


Off we walked, he with his tail in the air and a little spring in his step, and me wide awake, blood flowing. What a start to a day! Oh, did I mention that Cowboy “always” takes such great care of me?!

So, with that little memory jog, here we go! Sometimes you get a little rough start, but it all ends up good in the end! It’s always an adventure!

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Mia Anstine is an outdoor writer, licensed outfitter, hunting guide, life coach, keynote speaker, and range safety officer, firearms instructor, and archery instructor. She is the founder of MAC Outdoors and Host of the MAC Outdoors Podcast. 

Mia Anstine strives to encourage others to get outside, hunt, fish, shoot, and survive life with others in a positive way.

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Want to write to me?
Mia Anstine
MAC Outdoors LLC
PO Box 31
Ignacio, CO 81137-0031 

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